Useful for both hitting rocks and prying interesting specimens out of the ground. Rock Pick- Invaluable tool when prospecting.Water- For both drinking and to reveal colors on dusty stones.Once you begin to learn how stones collect in the area, you’ll be able to quickly find areas that are likely sources. Riverbeds collect stones over time, and dry ones are a treasure trove. Walking riverbeds is the best way to find jasper nodules in an area.
The satellites aren’t perfect, but you can sometimes see large color changes on the ground and it never hurts to know how to get around. Scouting areas with Google Maps can often help. For instance, you can find club field guides that provide a realistic overview of most areas. I’ve found that going through different sources provides good information. On that note, Google can be tricky when you’re looking for specific areas. It’s a lot easier to find them initially if you know what you’re looking for. Search online for areas near you that may have jasper. Prospecting for jasper can be done very casually, and you may find some striking local varieties. You’re not out of luck if your home state isn’t listed above. Jaspers often occur in considerable quantities, so finding specimens of most types is easy. In the United States, it’s common, but the most sought after varieties come from the following states: Jasper varies a lot in appearance, however, and the variety in your own backyard may not be what you’re looking for. Jasper, like agate, can be found in most places that formerly had volcanic activity. Most other jasper group stones aren’t fake, they occur in large enough deposits that it’s not profitable to create fakes. Testing is usually easy, most will burn readily if you apply a hot nail or needle to the stone. They’re not always clearly labeled, but if the price is too good to be true then… well, you’re probably not getting a good deal. Imperial Jasper is a pricey stone, so there are quite a few artificial substitutes out there. Related: How Much Is Jasper Worth? (And Where To Sell It) Buyer Beware: Fake Jaspers It’s no wonder that the stuff is a favorite of collectors There’s an endless variety of jasper out there, and each stone produces its own unique pattern. Bumblebee Jasper also falls into this category, it’s actually a calcite mineral colored with pyrite, arsenic, and sulfur. One of the most famous is Dalmation Jasper, which is a microcrystalline silica stone instead of a cryptocrystalline stone. There are also quite a few stones called jasper in their common name that consist of different minerals than true jasper. Many jasper patterns have distinct names, and other jaspers are called for their place of origin. That’s just a small sample of the offerings out there. It’s not named for its colors(which vary across the spectrum from blue to green to red) but instead for the fact that the deposits are often marine and only accessible at low tide. Ocean Jasper is an orbicular jasper that occurs in Madagascar. These often form the illusion of rolling hills, mountains, and other idyllic landscapes. Landscape Jasper are Earth-toned jaspers which display a “landscape” when cut. The most common forms are cemented with grey chalcedony between red and yellow jasper but there is a multitude of different colors available. In the modern market there are a lot of composites under the same name, be sure of what you’re buying! Brecciated Jasperīrecciated jasper nodules are broken up internally and cemented with chalcedony. Imperial Jasper is a green form of jasper that is considered one of the rarest. Some of the commonly used names for jasper varieties are: Imperial Jasper Some varieties also have their own names and specific colors. Jaspers, like agates, have a loose classification system based on how their surface patterns emerge. They’re surprisingly common in many parts of the United States. Jasper nodules can often be found in riverbeds anywhere near ancient volcanic activity. Jasper is an igneous rock but it often occurs in larger formations than agate.

Jasper’s deep colors and opacity stem from impurities in the silica. The crystals in a cryptocrystalline stone are hard to find even with a microscope. While they’re made of the same stuff as regular quartz crystals, the crystal structure is entirely different. Jaspers exist on a continuum of cryptocrystalline quartz.

Generally, the stone will have some kind of pattern as well, even if it’s within a single hue. A true jasper blocks all light, although some brecciated jaspers will have pockets of chalcedony in them. Jasper is distinct from agate due to its opacity. Jasper is usually characterized by bright colors, including green, red, blue, and many others. Jasper is a form of cryptocrystalline silicon dioxide(SiO₂ or silica) that’s opaque.