AB testing is essentially an experiment where two or more variants of a page are shown to users at random, and statistical analysis is used to determine which variation performs better for a given conversion goal A/B Testing A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app against each other to determine which one performs better.RSS to Email Helps users to receive any new updates or the latest news from the website.
Free Stock Photos Provides a library of free stock photos for commercial use.Sign Up Forms Build sign up forms to allow website visitors to join your mailing list.Delivery by Time Zone Subscribers receive the email at the exact time they are in their timezone.Abandoned Cart Email Sends email to customers who have failed to check out their cart items.Google Remarketing Ads Allows for retargeting your customers via Google Display Network to increase conversions.Facebook Ads Has an inbuilt tool to set up a Facebook marketing campaign.Instagram Ads Has an inbuilt tool to set up an Instagram marketing campaign.This is particularly useful if you have a large number of contacts to keep track of or several people who need access to the information. Many companies, on the other hand, prefer to use advanced contact management software. In its most simple form, an address book or an Excel or Google spreadsheet with entries for all of the people with whom you do business can be used to handle your contact details. Contact Management The process of storing, organizing, and monitoring information about your clients, prospects, and sales leads is known as contact management.Auto-Responders Ability to send automated emails to the contacts subscribing to the list.Marketers, analysts, and user researchers use click monitoring tools to attribute conversions, assess user interaction, and identify website failures and optimization opportunities. This information is gathered and presented numerically, graphically (heat maps), or through individual sessions (session recordings).
A click tracking tool tracks mouse clicks and taps using software or tags.

An efficient template management solution makes it easier for workers to build papers, saving time and efficiency. Template Management A method of governing a company's document environment based on a variety of document models is known as template management.Drag and Drop Editor Lets you customize the elements with images, web forms, boxes, tables, etc.List Segmentation Segregates the customers into smaller groups enabling the user to send targeted emails.
Document Library Central repository to manage your assets like Images, PDF files, etc.,.Real-time Email Editor Helps to view the email while editing at the same time.Click Map Allows tracking user click activity and how they interact with email.Contact List Import Ability to import contacts from TXT, EXCEL, CSV formats and also can enter manually.Email Scheduling Scheduling an email on a specific time or auto-responding to an action.Predesigned Email Templates Provides a library of templates to build an email.Send Time Optimization Helps to find the best sending time to engage with your customer.Mobile App Helps your team to stay top on the business everywhere.