added "regenbluearmour" server var to toggle blue armour in regen-capture.added "overtime" server var to optionally enable overtime behavior when score is tied.added "persistteams" server var to toggle autoteam.added "modifiedmapspectator" server var to control if players who have modified the map should be forced to spectate.added "autorecorddemo" server var to control whether server automatically records demos.added "demodir" var for specifying where demos are saved."getdemo" now supports specifying a demo name.added "seekdemo" comand for jumping forward to specific time in a demo.added "hidedead" mode 2 for hiding enemy deaths but not player's.added "showping" mode 2 for showing pj compactly.added "respawn" command to explicitly request a respawn when dead.added "jumpspawn" & "attackspawn" vars to control whether jump and attack actions try to respawn if dead.added "showdeaths" var to control whether deaths are shown in scoreboard.added "hidefrags" var to control whether frags are shown in scoreboard for CTF/capture modes.added colors to health hud ("healthcolors").revamped timer in hold mode so that teammates can recover the timer if flag is recovered.flag can now be dropped up to 3 times in CTF modes instead of only once.revamped spawn system that tries to intelligently select spawns.added atmospheric scattering shader for sky ("atmo").added "entcamdir" var to control whether ents take their yaw from camera.added "contags" var to control edit var spam.added "getv*" commands for querying vslot information.added "getselpos" & "setselpos" & "movesel" for scripting edit selection.added support for alpha mask texture on alpha geometry.added "envmapbb" var for boxed envmap radius instead of spherical.added "texrotate" modes 6 & 7 for transposing textures.removed fixed-function rendering path and instead always use GLSL render path.ztn by Redon & 7YearWitch & swatllama & Fatality & Akari.

warlock by Getridou & Sauce & LURKing & Doko.unworld2, unworld3 by 7Yearwitch & Soyuz.tatooine by HeWho & nopnotme & Doom32 & Sheik.slingshot by Fixxxer & 7YearWitch & Sauce & firefly.skycastle-r by Matt Bierner & Okicomputer.oldschool, sauerowalk, stahlbox by rabe.nessus, spcr2 by Sprite & Crap_I'm_dead.lost_world by swatllama & 7YearWitch & firefly.imhotep by Nxy & Sauce & LURKing & FaZo & micai.haze by Crap_I'm_dead & notas & starch & Galaxy.ghetto by MaxedOut & Sauce & January & Nxy & Gear.earthstation, meltdown2, metro, risk, surge by Pointblank.destiny, divine, infernal, kastro, zamak by LURKing.daemex, fubuki, hator, kiryu, ognjen, shellshock2, suisei, unworld by 7YearWitch.conflict, crypta, dispute, disruption, idris, maple by fixxxer.clash, earthsea by 7YearWitch & Sauce & Xadus.carbide, fallen, fdm6, fire_keep, frag-lab, laucin, luna, mc-lab, pandora, river_keep, stronghold by Fatality.awoken, catacombs by firefly & Fixxxer & swatllama.asthma, colony, ruebli, zdm2 by Zoocata.antel by Ardelico & Doko & MasterTechCC.abyss, eris, exo, ferguson, fragnostic, hektik, overdrive, phrantic, regal, zavial by Fatum.